The Dark Triad – three stars of new generation

Dystopia of the human mind?

Aristotelic cardinal virtues; prudence, justice, temperance and courage have been forgotten in this parallel reality. Society recognizes a new belief system called The Dark Triad.  It consists of three principles; Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy.

Choreography, director: Nina Mamia

Written by Nina Mamia & Kasperi Nordman

Sound designers: Tommy Lauhiala, Toni Sorsa & Pekka Kuismanen da Silva

Light design: Ville Virtanen

Video design: Jenni Kokkomäki & Ville Virtanen

Graphic design: Jarmo Wideman

Costume design: Mia Mamia

Dressing by Varia, Vantaa Vocational College & Linda Al Take

Performers: Sami Henrik Haapala, Kaisa Launis, Kasperi Nordman, Laura Humppila, Vilma Malinen, Riina Salmi, Iida Tuliainen, Aamos & Unna Vikberg

”I truly enjoyed the fabulous Dark Triad performance by the Mamia Company. The choreography presented an accurate, funny, and sarcastic view of the adverse personality traits of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. The characters were realistic, and it was obvious that the performance was based on solid research into the psychology of these personalities. The performance is suitable for anybody who is interested in the darker side of human nature”.

 Dr Minna Lyons, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Liverpool

The Dark Triad – three stars of new generation has been performed;

11.4.16, 19:00 

9.4.16, 15:00 

9.4.16, 19:00 

8.4.16, 19:00 

6.4.16, 19:00, premiere

Cable Factory, Valssaamo, Helsinki

Photo by Jenni Kokkomäki.

The Dark Triad – three stars of new generation was supported by Niilo Helander foundation, Kansan Sivitysrahasto, Bright Finland and Arts Promotion Centre Finland.