Couple of Relations

Couple of Relations is a contemporary dance theater performance about the diversity of love. Throughout the performance the human relations will be shown through tragedy and comedy, relatively conscious and unconscious.

It is about  the echoes and poetic cruelty of our existence, a series of fragmentary moments and emotions woven together.

Like that fun trip we all made together with our loved ones, or like the ONE who got away, because love itself made it impossible.

It is the distress of understanding the full importance of another person`s smile, when we lose them.

It´s all the things, that you wanted to try, but something came up.

Memory, dream, future – love, fear, loneliness. These unite us all regardless of the cultural heritage, gender or age.

The Toreadores of Love will step into the arena defying cynicism for the sake of acceptance!

Choreography: Nina Mamia

Sound design: Kasperi Nordman

Sound engineer: Ilya Zaytsev

Director: Kasperi Nordman

Costume design: Niina Huovinen

Performers: Nina Mamia, Jenni Honkamaa/Elina Valtonen & Kasperi Nordman

“I have seen this dance piece at the premiere in February 2018. In my experience, the performance is suitable for young people, young adults and adult audience. The humane and loving subject of the work deals with diversity, with different relationships of people. I have seen the dance piece with a touch that is accurate and funny at the same time. I could interpret the content of the human conditions as it written by Hanna Arendt (1958): “Plurality is the condition of human action  because we are all the same, that is, human, in such a way that nobody is ever the same as anyone else who ever lived, lives or will live.”

Mr. Isto Turpeinen

D.A. (Dance), Affiliated post-doctoral researcher, Performing Arts Research Center PARC, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland +358 – 500 – 404 240 // //

Previous performances;

Sa 27.4., 17:00 VanDance – international dance day event, ARTSI museum

January 2018;

We 24th 18:00 Arkadia International Bookshop, Helsinki

Th 25th 18:00 Arkadia International Bookshop, Helsinki

February 2018;

We 14th 19:00 Kanneltalo, Helsinki

Th 15th 19:00 Kanneltalo, Helsinki

October 2018;

13th 12:40 Culture center Toteemi, Vantaa

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